Hand Refractometers
- Measuring range: 0-18% Brix
- Resolution: 0.1% Brix
- Measuring range: 0-32% Brix
- Resolution: 0.2% Brix
- Measuring range: 0-32% Brix
- Resolution: 0.2% Brix
- Compensation temperature range: 10°C-30°C
- Measuring range triple scale: 0-32% Brix; 0-140°C OE, 0-40Babo
- Resolution: 0.2% Brix
- Measuring range double scale: 0-80% Brix
- Resolution: 0.1% Brix
HR-160 for urine and proteine
- Measuring range: serum protein 0-12g/dl, specific gravity 1.000-1.050sg
- Resolution: 0.2g/dl, 0.005sg
HR-170 for battery, antifreeze
- Measuring range: ethylene glycol -60°C (66.6%) -0°C (0%)
- Resolution: 5°C
HR-180 for wine and grape
- Measuring range: 0-25% alcohol
- Resolution: 0.2%
HR-190 for salinity
- Measuring range: 0-28% salinity
- Resolution: 0.2%
- Compensation temperature range: 10°C-30°C
HRD-300 digital
- Measuring range: 0-45% Brix
- Resolution: 0.1% Brix
- Automatic Temperature Compensation. Temperature range: 0-40°C, 32-104°F
HRD-400 digital for salinity
- Measuring range: 0-28%
- Resolution: 0.1% Brix
- Automatic Temperature Compensation. Temperature range: 0-40°C, 32-104°F
HRD-500 digital for urine and serum
- Measuring range: 1.000-1.050 urine, 0-12g/dl serum
- Resolution: 0.001, 0.1g/dl
- Automatic Temperature Compensation. Temperature range: 0-50°C, 32-122°F
Bench Refractometer
ABBE Model
- Main prism: horizontal
- Secondary prism: fitted on a hinge
- Refraction index scale: Nd 1.300-1.700
- Thermometer scale: 0°C-70°C
Bench Polarimeter
POL-1 Model
- Circular polarimeter
- Use Nicol prisms, with monochrome light source
- Measurement range: ±180°
- Magnification: 3x Eyepiece with fine focusing
- Stabilisation time: 5 mins. approx.
- Polarimeter tubes: 100 mm and 200 mm